Birth: June 8, 1955
Major Academic Events: Tim Berners-Lee attended Sheen Mount Primary
school, Emanuel School, and graduated from University of Oxford in 1976 with
a first-class physics degree.
Contributions to Computer Science: Berners-Lee devised the hypertext markup
language (HTML) that is used to format web documents. Berners-Lee also originated
the universal resource locater (URL), a system of identifying documents. He
developed the first web browser, a program for reading and editing documents
online, and he gave it the name World Wide Web to make the intended network accessible
to the end user. This web browser is used by billions to communicate across the world.
Berners-Lee also wrote the “hypertext transfer protocol” (HTTP) for transmitting documents
over the Internet with CERN. The HTTP is widely used when transferring information
through web browsers today.
Birth: March 26, 1973
Major Academic Events: Larry page received a master’s degree in computer science from
Stanford and entered into the doctorate program at Stanford.
Contributions to Computer Science: – While pursuing a Ph.D., Page and his roommate, Brin
Sergey, founded Google in 1998. Google took advantage of the ranking skills that Web users
already possessed by monitoring each site's "backing links"—the number of other pages linking
to each site. Page also became the CEO of Alphabet Inc. in August of 2015.
Birth: June 23, 1912
Death: June 7, 1954
Major Academic Events: Alan Turing graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1934. He was then elected to a
fellowship at King’s College. In 1936, Turing’s seminal paper was recommended for publication by Alonzo Church, an
American mathematical logician. Later, Turing went to Princeton University to study for a Ph.D. in mathematical logic
which he completed in 1938.
Contributions to Computer Science: The Turing Machine was a machine developed by the brilliant mathematician
Alan Turing in the early 20th century that could solve any mathematical problem. To do mathematical calculations, this
machine created and counted marks on a piece of paper tape.